Environmental Effects and Hormone Health

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Environmental Effects and Hormone Health

Where do the environmental toxins come from? They are all around us, and can directly affect our health and fertility. Some of the sources include the chemicals and hormone disruptors found in contaminated air, food, water, our homes, and the outdoors.

We live in a toxic world. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently has an estimated 65,000 known toxic chemicals catalogued in its databases. There are additional 1,500 applications that the Agency receives annually to manufacture new chemicals. Not to mention the numerous chemicals being released into the environment during the production and the manufacturing processes.

The effects of environmental toxins, such as the hormone-disruptors (also known as xenoestrogens) and the organochlorine compounds have been extensively studied and well documented. These compounds’ toxic effects can greatly reduce and impair the health of the reproductive systems in both men and women. High blood levels of organochlorines are shown to be linked to increased rates of infertility and miscarriages. Xenoestrogens have been shown to induce estrogenic effects on the uterine wall (the endometrium), exacerbating endometriosis in women, they have the capacity to potentiate the risk of breast cancer, and reduce fertility in both women and men.

Have you ever looked inside your garage? Take a look around and see what it is on your shelves:

  • solvents
  • paints
  • exhaust fumes
  • lawn care and pesticides
  • many others

Now take a look in your bathroom:

  • perfumes
  • hair sprays
  • nail polish and remover
  • shampoo and soap
  • many others

Make a trip to your kitchen and laundry room:

  • detergent
  • cleaners
  • bleach
  • many others

How about your bedroom and all other rooms in the house:

  • furniture
  • carpeting
  • plastics
  • gas or oil heat

and the list goes on…


Here are some great books that describe the effects toxins on our health and well-being